Sunday, October 21, 2012

Seeing Jesus: Kindness

1 Peter 2:2-3 (NASB)
2 ...Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, 3 if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.

Romans 2:4 (NASB)
4 Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?

The two words in these passages that are translated as “kindness” are closely related Greek words that are from an action verb. Even in English, to be kind usually means doing something. Here, God is not inactive or passive. He is doing things that lead me.

God’s tolerance and patience merely hold off punishment. It is His actions; His good, benign, benevolent, kind deeds to me that lead to repentance and to eternal life. His kindnesses reveal to me who He is.

He gives me many beautiful gifts, large and small, as I go along my way.

I have a friend, a brother in the Lord, who continually finds small change in the oddest of times and places. He takes them home and puts them on a windowsill, keeping them as a reminder of God’s goodness.

These kindnesses may be a coin, or the house the windowsill is in. It might be the startling beauty of a sunset or of a graceful dancer. It might be the soothing quiet of a moment in a park, or on the back porch, or in the watches of the night. It might be in the kindness of a stranger or a moment of prayer-filled ecstasy. All of these can be seen, held, tasted as the kindnesses of God.

Or just thrown away, ignored.

This is why it is important that the “eyes of my heart” be opened. I need to be able see these gifts as His kindness, part of my inheritance from a loving Father.  This is why thanksgiving is important. It is letting my loving Daddy know that He, and His gifts, are important.

And, since the word, “lead,” is also used for how a shepherd leads his flock, His kindnesses are how Jesus shepherds me.  He leads me by His many kindnesses. They act as a continual reminder of His (and the Father’s) love for me.

Repentance simply means “turn.” In response to His kindnesses, I turn to Him. I turn in thanksgiving, in joy, in sorrow at my sin, in everything.

Perhaps as important, when I see how my Father is kind to me, I am taught how to be kind to others. And, therefore, how to show His love to others, that they may be lead to repentance. 

Lord, in Your kind actions, You shepherd me to turn back to You. Thank you.

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