Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Tsunami, the Fall, and the Wall Street Journal

Mysterious Ways: How do Christians explain a tsunami. By Paul J. Griffiths.

This article (link below) was published in todays Wall Street Journal, and is from a book review.
The tsunami that swept over southeast Asia in December left in its wake not only death and destruction but a profound and vexing puzzle. What kind of a God would allow such a thing to happen?
In "The Doors of the Sea," David Bentley Hart, an Orthodox theologian, tries to provide an answer.
From a Christian point of view, Mr. Hart notes, such events are quite easy to explain, if difficult to accept. They are dramatic instances of the fact that the world is profoundly out of joint, damaged in deep ways by the fall of Adam and Eve and the rebellion of man. This fall, brought about by the exercise of human freedom, has altered the very physical order of the cosmos so that what God had intended to be a world of harmony and peace, free from suffering and death, is now a world running red with blood.
